MHA email newsletter about Rep. Dan Frankel’s proposed legislation

The following information is from an email newsletter I received today, Tuesday, March 31, 2009, from Mental Health Association of Pennsylvania (MHAPA) it indicates that State Representative Dan Frankel is introducing legislation involving funds received from the sale or lease from state mental health facilities.  I included the link from the email that takes you to a form you can fill out to send to your state representative asking them to co-sponsor the bill.

Representative Dan Frankel is introducing legislation that would ensure the proceeds of the sale or lease of a mental health facility would be used to establish a mental health community services account.  The community mental health system would directly benefit from this legislation.  The legislation requires the reinvestment of the proceeds into one-time costs related to housing options and services that support independent living. 

Please contact your PA House representative and urge him/her to co-sponsor Representative Frankel’s legislation.


It looks like folks on SSI and Disability can indeed expect to receive a check for $250 I’ve found it mentioned in multiple articles from across the state.  I don’t know yet if it will be a check that comes through Social Security, or if it will be simply a federal government check sent seperate from social securit.  So, those who have ppayees I’m guessing there is a chance that your $250 check will go to your payee, but I’m not positive …. I’m thinking it would depend on where the check is issued from.  It’s one thing I haven’t been able to figure out yet so keep watching and I’ll post more info as I find it.